Tag Archives: pain and music

Benefits of music

This am I received an email from Brian.

Hi Jay, hope you are doing well.

Do you enjoy listening to music? What types?

Because research now shows it can help your health and healing in some fascinating and little-known ways!

Discover 9 SURPRISING health benefits of music in my brand-new article for you right here

If you appreciate this article, please SHARE your comments at the end.

(And feel free to SHARE any songs / type of music you personally find particularly helpful in the comments section, too, if you want!)

Because in my new article, you’re about to find out:

— A concise overview of HOW music performs its magic on your body and brain

— 9 key health benefits of listening to music (from helping your memory to helping stress, pain, fatigue, and more)

— A TOP recommendation if you want to use music therapy to help you SLEEP better

— And more!

Head here for the new Benefits of Music: Suprisingly Powerful for Mind & Body article now

Finally, because smiles and laughter are always “good medicine”…

…And because I of course have many “dad jokes” about music that make my little kids giggle (and make my teen roll his eyes and groan)…

Here are a few of the best jokes for YOU:

What type of music do balloons hate?

Pop music.


What classical musical composer do chickens really love?

Bach. Bach Bach Bach.


How do you fix a broken tuba?

Use a tuba glue.

Now, I have one more great dad joke about music…

HOWEVER, because it contains sax and violins, it is not appropriate to share here 😉

Enjoy the important learning in this new Health Benefits of Music article, and enjoy your day.

To Living Long and Living Well,

Brian Vaszily

It sent me here:


It lists eight benefits.

Good reading that I recommend.


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Music and Pain


Music and Pain

I read an article about music’s effects on pain.

Music as Precision Medicine: Could Music Take the Place of Drugs?


A man on a singing site said when he sings the pain isn’t noticed.

Over come #pain with #singing?


The same day I read the article, I spoke to a lady who said she’d been in music her whole like and it didn’t help the pain.

Well, helps some people and some not.

What has been your experience?

Send your responses to: beachamj82@yahoo.com

Here’s what the recently departed Lynn Fancher said about it on her SingSnap Karaoke profile:

Lynn Fancher of California
Hi my name is Lynn …..First I will tell you I am in a wheelchair as I have a crippling disease and I can not walk ….they also discovered I have had Multiple Sclerosis since 1991…I am very independent and music is part of my pain therapy ….. When I sing some will tell me I have a great vibrato ..but its not really vibrato ….My disease was discovered first in my left vocal chord and just recently this year 2013 in my right vocal chord …..and it has given me my very own style of singing ….I have been musical since the age of 5 when I did my first solo in a play ……….I played piano , cello and clarinet and organ all by ear ..I can not read notes . My music instructor would play the music to me and I would play it back …it landed me a place in my high school orchestra LOL but ..I have always had an ear for tone ……I started as a listener on another karaoke site called Ksolo ..after they closed down all my favorite singers who I have always admired came here to Sing Snap ….and they all helped to inspire me to sing …….I have some wonderful talented friends here from all over the world and they are all apart of my heart ….Music heals our souls I truly believe that …..Its the best feeling to be a part of so many here that love singing as much as I do
Died August 8,2017

“You Don’t Own Me (Piano)” Her last SingSnap recording.
By SugarBears 52 In the Style Of Grace
113 Views 43 Comments +
Audio Recorded on Jul 9, 2017 at 6:17pm
I’m tried …not feeling well but singing helps Thanks for dropping in. Love my SS friends Lynn



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