Tag Archives: overcome pain with singing

Music and Pain


Music and Pain

I read an article about music’s effects on pain.

Music as Precision Medicine: Could Music Take the Place of Drugs?


A man on a singing site said when he sings the pain isn’t noticed.

Over come #pain with #singing?


The same day I read the article, I spoke to a lady who said she’d been in music her whole like and it didn’t help the pain.

Well, helps some people and some not.

What has been your experience?

Send your responses to: beachamj82@yahoo.com

Here’s what the recently departed Lynn Fancher said about it on her SingSnap Karaoke profile:

Lynn Fancher of California
Hi my name is Lynn …..First I will tell you I am in a wheelchair as I have a crippling disease and I can not walk ….they also discovered I have had Multiple Sclerosis since 1991…I am very independent and music is part of my pain therapy ….. When I sing some will tell me I have a great vibrato ..but its not really vibrato ….My disease was discovered first in my left vocal chord and just recently this year 2013 in my right vocal chord …..and it has given me my very own style of singing ….I have been musical since the age of 5 when I did my first solo in a play ……….I played piano , cello and clarinet and organ all by ear ..I can not read notes . My music instructor would play the music to me and I would play it back …it landed me a place in my high school orchestra LOL but ..I have always had an ear for tone ……I started as a listener on another karaoke site called Ksolo ..after they closed down all my favorite singers who I have always admired came here to Sing Snap ….and they all helped to inspire me to sing …….I have some wonderful talented friends here from all over the world and they are all apart of my heart ….Music heals our souls I truly believe that …..Its the best feeling to be a part of so many here that love singing as much as I do
Died August 8,2017

“You Don’t Own Me (Piano)” Her last SingSnap recording.
By SugarBears 52 In the Style Of Grace
113 Views 43 Comments +
Audio Recorded on Jul 9, 2017 at 6:17pm
I’m tried …not feeling well but singing helps Thanks for dropping in. Love my SS friends Lynn



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Over come #pain with #singing?

Can pain be overcome with singing?

Today a man named Drayton L of British Columbia listened to one of my songs recordings on Singsnap, an online Karaoke site. To pay him back for his kindness, I listened to one of his recordings and then two more.  He sings very well.

I learned that he once made his living singing.   Wouldn’t that be fun to do?

He’d been stopped by a serious surgery and said that singing helped him.

Well, I wrote him and asked if he’d like to contribute to this site and tell his experience with singing since the surgery.

Here is his reply:

“Certainly Jay 
Singing is probably one of the most potent and best medicines for whatever ails you. Twice, singing has brought back from the edge of a precipice.

The trouble started with a major operation on my spine. I was becoming a quadriplegic, and required a massive operation to repair my vertebrates C3-C7. There was a major screw up to the operation that took away my ability to eat and drink orally for two and a half years. I was fed through a tube in my stomach. What’s worse though is that it robbed me of my voice. I was a working singer at that time, working my way up that proverbial very long ladder to success. I had to go to a speech therapist to learn how to talk again, and then, to be able to sing. I’m still working at getting my voice back, but I think that ship has sailed, so I am happy with what I was allowed to have back.
Ever since that operation, I have had three subsequent operations and numbers four and five are being scheduled. I live with pain on a constant basis, and use morphine to try to get some relief. But it’s really not that bad, as I do have a secret weapon, and that is singing!

Why, you ask? Because when I sing, I leave my body and immerse myself into the song, and for a few minutes there is no pain. Only music. I have in fact been able to reduce the amount of morphine used when singing. 
Singing improves my spirits, which improves my outlook, and the first step to positive results is a positive mind. All I can tell you is that it has sure helped me.

Now some science advocates will say that this is not evidence.  Well, their science can’t feel what Drayton feels.  To me his witness will hold up  in any honest court.

I thanked him for sharing and hope that his experience will help others.

Well, until next time, keep singing.



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