Tag Archives: learn in a friendly environment

Learn in a friendly environment

How can a person practice in front of a friendly audience until he or she becomes better and comfortable in front of an audience?
Two girls, who grew up on the same block as myself, sang together. Their mother saw to it that the duo sang on a regular basis in church. They were bad sounding, very bad but we endured their singing meeting after meeting. Of course no one claps in church and no one would tell them they were bad. So they kept singing. You know by the time those two little girls were 17/19 they sounded fantastic. Why the change?
Well over the years no one had discouraged them and with enough supportive practice they became good. But it took years.
Most of us don’t have years and we don’t have such a supportive audience of friends who will encourage our efforts. So what can we do?
My idea is online Karaoke sites.
Most of them give free memberships to get one started, paid memberships cost little and can be paid for by the month or by the year. Some even offer contests to win memberships or let others sponsor poorer members. And friendships are developed sometimes for a life time even leading to marriage in some cases. And the folks on the karaoke sites are friendly and supportive and encouraging. One can record multiple song recordings daily, as many as one wants, get to listen to and edit before others can hear and then when others do, get feedback from a friendly audience. One doesn’t have to wait the years that the sisters had to wait. You can get right at it and improve in a friendly environment.
I’ve recommended these two sites before but here we go again.
Go there now and sign up and get started vocalizing.

Some good advise in song from “Summer Stock” the movie with Judy Garland:

“If you feel like singing, sing”

Catch you later.

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