Tag Archives: exercises

Improve your singing

I came across an article by

Improve Your Voice in 8 Singer-Friendly Steps

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Should You Hire a Singing Coach?

I’ve been singing my whole life and if I went to some of this that is written about how to sing, I would never try to sing. But I’m going to quote from one such article for it does have some good points.

So should you hire a coach? Let’s review one of those articles and I’ll add my comments within (comment)s.

“Singers tend to get all of the glory. They get the applause, they get the attention and they get the awards. However, one thing that they didn’t get is there on their own. In fact, the great singers always credit their singing coach with helping them to attain greatness. It is easy for anyone to claim that they are a top notch singing instructor, but what truly makes a wonderful singing coach?

Singing coaches come in a variety of different disciplines. Some of them specialize in classical techniques, while others prefer pop music, and others prefer the Broadway genre. In order to find the best one for you, you must determine what type of singer you want to be. If your dream is to sing opera working with an R&B singing coach will not necessarily prepare you for the demands of your chosen music field. 

(But if you prepare to be an opera singer, you’ll be able to sing anything well. I just deleted a whole paragraph because this article writer is trying to sell the school system.   Just find a good singer and they’ll help you be a good singer.)

Professional experience is also important in evaluating a singing coach. The old saying may say “those who can’t do teach,” but that is not what you want in a singing coach. Instead, you want someone who has had experience in what they are teaching you to do. Ideally, if they have had extensive performance training that is what you want. However, extensive teaching experience may be another indicator of a good teacher. 

How much a singing coach charges is important to many people as well. Unfortunately, we are living in difficult economic times and that means that not everyone can afford extra lessons. Generally singing lessons range from half hour sessions to a full hour. Typically singing teachers charge a dollar a minute which means that your lesson could cost you as much as $60 an hour if not more.

For some aspiring singers this is simple not possible. In those cases you may want to look for a singing coach in a setting other than a private lesson. Some teachers offer group lessons. This type of lesson includes several different people at a much more affordable lesson rate. While you will not get the individualized attention of a private lesson you will still get the education that you are looking for.”

“I can’t afford a high priced instructor, what do I do?”

I’d join a choir, barbershop group, etc., the instruction is free, or buy a book. There are some great books that cover everything you’ll need to know and do and for a whole lot less money.  

Take “Singing for Dummies” for instance.   $18.23 on Amazon. get the companion book “Singing Exercises for Dummies” only $16.40 and the shipping for both will be free as the order will be over $25 what Amazon asks for free shipping.

Let me review what you’ll find in those two jewels.

(I’m sorry for the layout, but WordPress is just fighting me here and won’t line it up right when I publish it. You’ll just have to read it the best you can.)

“Singing for Dummies”                                                                                                                                                                          Part 1 Exploring Singing Basics                                                                                                            covers inhaling, exhaling, yawning,breathing,posturing,positioning the body

                                                                                                                    Part 2 Improving Your Singing                                                                     covers exercises to improve singing, breathing etc. because though it was perfect when we were babies, it may not be now.

                                                                                                                       Part 3 Advanced Techniques to Improve the voice                                                                                                                      Part 4 Preparing to Perform                                                                                Part 5 The Tens                                                                                              10 performers with good technique (The Three Tenors and Bryn Terfel are mentioned)                                                                                           10 FAQs                                                                                                                    10 Tips to Maintain Vocal Health                                                                            10 Tips to Performing Like a Pro                                                                         Part 6 Appendixes                                                                                          Songs suggested to advance Singing techniques (Three Blind Mice is mentioned somewhere)                                                                            About the CD                                                                                                  Order your copy at: http://lnkd.in/pbGEWJ                                                                       

“Singing Exercises for Dummies”                                                                 covers a whole bunch of exercises that you’ll find useful.                       Get your copy at: http://lnkd.in/tDjzUK


Ever hear about LA vocal coach Aaron Antasasi, a 20 year pro guitarist, singer, songwriter? i hadn’t either before today.  He has a short video where he gives three free tips to help improve your voice and explains his course. (cost? less than $100) It’s called “Superior Singing Method”


Aaron even gives student success examples.

There are lots of options so I’ll close for now and come back with a new post with the other great courses.

 So go on and teach your self.




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Singing – Practice the Fun Way

Here’s an article about practicing.

“Let’s face it, even if singing is your greatest passion, practicing the same exercises over and over again can become extremely boring surprisingly quickly. After a while, you can end up avoiding practicing singing altogether because your brain dreads trawling through the same old songs and warm ups.

The problem is, as soon as you do that, your voice and technique quickly deteriorate and you soon lose morale – perhaps even give up your dream of singing altogether. I’ve seen this happen to so many aspiring musicians and what a waste of talent it is.

Here are a couple of ways you can make the already fun singing practice session more enjoyable.

Sing With Friends

All of us enjoy the company of friends. We love hanging out with them and spending time with them. Why not invite your friends to one of your singing lessons and have them sing along with you or have them as an audience or better yet as critic so that you can even improve your singing.

Play Instruments.. With Friends

Singing lessons and singing in general always must have an accompanying musical instrument. Usually, a voice teacher would use a piano in teaching the student. One way of making singing practice fun is to invite your friends and do a friendly, informal jam session at the same time you continue with your singing lessons applying the theories and principles with you friends.

Sing … Karaoke*.. With Friends

Even after the formal lesson with your voice instructor, you can still practice your singing by singing using a Karaoke machine. This will be more fun if many of your friends join you. This way, you can have a bonding moment with your friends and at the same time you do your singing practice.

Play Computer Singing Games

There are many software products out there about singing. You have an option of purchasing an online singing lesson kit for you to enjoy as well as your friends.

These are just a few ideas on how to make singing practice a lot enjoyable! Hope it sparks some more ideas! Happy singing!”

I totally agree! 

Singing online Karaoke* can be  a lot of fun.  Sites like Sing Snap Karaoke have contests on a regular basis and groups for certain styles of music. Trevor, the boss, tries to always keep it fun. 100 free song to choose to record or you can become a paid member and get a much greater supply. But not all of my cravings for songs are supplied by any Karaoke site so I sing else where. Sure the regular places in the car and bath. “What is this charm music hath? Why does my voice sound so divine in a bath?”( from the movie “Can’t help Singing”   Watch that part of the movie. The singing part is 3 and a half minutes into the clip.

Let’s get in the church choir and local groups. They practice in different ways.

The most fun I’ve ever had at practices is at the Barbershoppers. There are Ladies and men chapters. Look them up in the phone and go have some great fun practicing.

5/7/2013 There is a fun video about practicing you can watch at:                              http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=fvwp&v=4YUhjpQze0U&NR=1           And you can then go to this man’s website for his                               http://www.myfreesinginglesson.com/

Go watch and see what you think.

Myself, I’d just start singing.

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