“Music Heals My Soul”

“Music Heals My Soul”


Today I listened to Lynn sing a song recording because she had listened and commented on a song recording that Les Thompson had made with me of Waltzing Matilda(Jan 26th is Australia Day commenorating the arrival of the Bristish fleet in Australia in 1788).  Well to pay her back for listening and commenting.

In reading her profile I learned she’s been ill and music, especially singing, has been of benifit to her.   So I asked her the following:

I read your profile and this: “Music heals our souls I truly believe that .”
I am wondering if you would mind explaining that for my readers on
If you agree to help, just message me here with what you’d like to say and I’ll incorporate it into the site.
Recently, a man who stutters wrote that I’d helpped him with a video I’d done about speaking and that was a good feeling.
I think singing does help our souls, our emotional and physical health.
I hope to help people with this site.
I know one SingSnapper who can hardly talk let alone sing and that because of a disability, but when he sings, which he enjoys, one can feel his spirit and to listen is enjoyable even though he’d be booed off of a talent show.
Thanks for considering this,

She replied:


By SugarBearsGOLD 

thank you for inviting me to your site …so many are here on sing snap are disabled in one way or another ….I am not good at typing as my hands are crippled but I will explain a little more about my self and why I use singing for pain therapy as I do not take opiates or any addictive drugs these doctors so easily hand out to so many disabled

I have a disease that mimics MS altho the mylon sheath is destroyed around all the nerves this disease cripples the body just like MS does …the disease is fairly new so tthey have no name for it just idiopathic and it mimics MS and there are others I have found that have it

I came down in 2006 with Diabetis II which my nurologist did not catch in time or inform me of so I lost my first leg in 2006 and begged to have my second one removed in 2007 because I had so much infection in my body

I could never use prostetics as everyone one asks me because my hands are to crippled to get them on the two legs I lost …so I live very independently in a power chair and I also drive what is called an enter van as I have a lock box which locks my power chair into the driveres side and my van and my power chair have become my life

I have loved music since I was very young ..I use to play the piano and celllo and the organ …but since my disease has taken that all away from me …I sing even tho my disease was found in my left vocal chord …I still sing

I have been a fighter all my life fighting my way back out of hospitals and rehabs to get back to my indepent life

I am in constant pain which I call horrific inside sensations AS MY BODY is totally numb on the outside and its constant pain on the inside that there is nothing to subside the pain and I refuse to take opiates or addicting pain killers

What I have realized is when I am here singing …I can put that pain out of my head ……I strongly believe that music and singing have a calming way of healing the soul and always making me wanting to come back and sing …….there is a peaceful healing come over me when I sing …not that singing will ever heal what I have but it purifies my soul and spirit …I truly believe that

Just recently I have returned home after fighting a blood infection after being in the hospital and rehab for three months right thru thanksgiving and Christmas …the ifectious blood infection destroyed my kidneys so I am now on dialisis three days a week ..but this has not stopped me from coming back to where I love the people and the music and love to sing

If you can find a way to keep smiling and fighting and stay strong …..Music is a peaceful calm for everyone out there no matter what you have …if you have music in your heart …..you will always have a smile and a good lookout on life ….

This I hope will help everyone out there who is struggling in life …be strong and keep singing …as well as meeting people who know what you deal with in everyday life …..no one knows or understands disability until they become disabled themselves …and that is why I bond so well with people who understand Pain

Hugs and Love to all the sinsnap members and singers

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